Welcome to VR Learning at New Albany Schools!

The New Albany School District is always seeking innovative ways to provide students with unique opportunities to research and explore careers so that they can make informed decisions about their future plans. Through funding from the Governor’s GEER grant, the New Albany School District was able to launch it’s Virtual Reality project in 2021.  Oculus Quest 2 Virtual Reality headsets and GoPro cameras were purchased so that virtual career research and exploration, virtual internships and apprenticeships, and pre-workforce training could be utilized.

The school district partnered with community professionals, businesses, and industries to get footage of real-world skills and jobs they have to perform on a daily basis.  These experts in the field agreed to wear a GoPro for one of their daily tasks.  This video footage was edited and made available on the school’s YouTube channel.  This allows students to view actual jobs in 3D, giving them a good understanding of the skills necessary for specific jobs.

This project has it all – modern technology, modern media, and community collaboration.  This all benefits students and adults with career exploration, classroom activities, internships, and workforce training.

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8th Graders Go on Virtual Tour of D.C.

Matt Tyer’s 8th grade social studies classes at New Albany Middle School visited the Imagine Lab and took a virtual tour of the White House and the National Mall using the Oculus Quest 2 virtual reality headsets.