Paul Henry New Albany Middle School Principal Paul Henry was named the Mississippi Middle School Principal of the Year by the Mississippi Association of Secondary School Principals on June 22, 2022.

“I am overwhelmed and very honored to be recognized for such an award,” Henry said.  “It is so humbling that the work of so many that I have had the privilege to work with would lead to this honor.”

Henry has worked in education as a teacher, coach, and administrator for more than twenty years.  Nineteen of those years have been in an administrative capacity.

He earned his Bachelor of Science and Master of Education degrees from Mississippi State University.

Henry has had leadership experience in five school districts serving as athletic director, assistant principal, and principal in the middle school, high school, and K-12 capacities.

He has been with New Albany School District as principal of New Albany Middle School since 2019 where he led a team of school and district leaders in implementing the IMAGINE Lab, a state-of-the-art STEAM based learning lab.

Henry was named the New Albany School District Administrator of the Year in 2020.  He is currently serving as the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents Alliance Chair, as a board member of the Mississippi Association of Secondary School Principals, and on the State Superintendent of Education’s Principals Advisory Committee.

“What an honor it is to have the MASSP Mississippi Middle School Principal of the Year leading New Albany Middle School,” said Dr. Lance Evans, Superintendent.  “Our students and community have benefitted from his leadership.  He has been instrumental in extending our fine arts offerings, implementing an impressive STEAM lab, and finding creative ways to lower our dropout rate and increase our graduation rate.”