Central Office Staff

Tony CookSuperintendent
Melanie Anderson
Melanie AndersonAdministrative Assistant to Superintendent
Amanda BarnesCTE/Special Services/Child Nutrition Secretary
Suzanne Coffey
Suzanne CoffeyDirector of Accounting Services
Sabrina Hall
Sabrina HallCase Manager
Courtney May
Courtney MayAssistant Bookkeeper
Jake Miller
Jake MillerDirector of Technology
Larry Pannell
Larry PannellAssistant Transportation Supervisor
Kristen Richey
Kristen RicheyDirector of Special Services
Mike Robertson
Mike RobertsonDirector of Child Nutrition
Gwyn Russell
Gwyn RussellAssistant Superintendent
Melanie Shannon
Melanie ShannonPublic Relations/Special Grants Coordinator
Jessica Stacks
Jessica StacksReceptionist
Terry Stidham
Terry StidhamDirector of Maintenance
Lecia Stubblefield
Lecia StubblefieldDirector of Professional & Support Services
Lea Taylor
Lea TaylorMSIS Coordinator/Assistant Business Manager
Summer Tyer
Summer TyerInstructional Technology Coordinator