New Albany High School Students Kristin Waldrop and Richard Kelly attended the Mississippi Press Association and the University of Mississippi Summer Journalism Workshop as representatives of the NAHS Journalism staff.  

During the eight-day workshop, participants created an impressive publication.  Waldrop’s contributions to the publication included an article on broadcasting and a biography of a fellow workshop participant.   

“We are very proud of Kristin’s work on the publication,” said LeeAnn Thompson, NAHS Journalism teacher, “But most impressive is the interview of Kristin by another student, which speaks volumes about Kristin and her mother.”  That particular article about Kristin describes the lessons learned as she watched her mother deal with illness, a kidney transplant, and now dialysis.  Kristin’s mother, Tamara Waldrop, is the media specialist at New Albany High School.

Thompson is excited about the students bringing what they learned this summer back to her classroom and sharing with other journalism students.  “We want to continue to offer an excellent journalism program to our students and to produce publications that will bring pride to New Albany High School.”