New Albany High School represents many talents. Our students are able to show their talents and even improve them in exceptional ways. This past week, our art students were able to meet a very talented artist and explore a whole new style of painting. William Heard, an artist from Tupelo, came to visit our art and journalism classes to share his story and teach his style of painting. As a student at Mississippi State, William was in a tragic car accident leaving him paralyzed, having to learn to live life again. In therapy he was encouraged to paint, and that’s where it all began. He takes a cup full of paint and pours it on the canvas, making it into a beautiful creation. All year in art, students have been studying artists who have used art to overcome tragedy. William’s story of overcoming tragedy is so inspiring, and his art is incredible.

Students are also getting an opportunity this upcoming week to show their talents. The plays that are put on every year at NAHS have become quite a tradition that the entire community loves to be a part of. This coming Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, play tryouts will be held for any student who wants to be involved. The play this year is “Anything Goes” and will be, just like every other play has been, simply amazing.

The talent we have at New Albany High School never ceases to amaze. Students are constantly given opportunity to show their talents, and they never disappoint.