Three teachers in the New Albany School District were awarded funding from a scholarship program created through the Dean Provence Endowment for Excellence in Education.

These funds are made possible through the Tri State Educational Foundation at the request of Tri State Educational Foundation President, Dr. Bob Ferguson.  Dr. Ferguson, who was a dear friend to Dean Provence, has a passion for his New Albany hometown and especially education.  He wants to see the faculty of the New Albany School District prosper by allowing them to further their education.

The competitive scholarships were awarded to teachers who are seeking to grow professionally and were enrolled in classes in pursuit of a graduate level degree during the Fall 2024 semester.

NASD teachers who received scholarships for the 2024-2025 school year are:  Amanda Harrison, a 1st grade teacher at New Albany Elementary School; Allie Pierce, a U.S. History teacher at New Albany High School;  and, Kacie Daniels, a Special Education teacher at New Albany Elementary School.