COVID-19 Updates

Weekly COVID Data COVID Transmission Plan

Each week the New Albany School District will report COVID data in compliance with our COVID Transmission Plan.  Data for the week will be posted on Friday and will determine our procedures for the following week.  These are action steps that we are taking in response to what is occurring in each school building.  These responses are school specific and are an effort to keep students and staff in that school safe and healthy.  

*Disclaimer:  Levels will vary by week.  As levels increase or decrease, procedures and measures will change.  

This week’s COVID-19 Data by percentage

Transmission levels by school

New Albany School District has made revisions to the 2022 Covid Protocols. New protocols were effective Wednesday, February 2. Protocols may be reviewed by going to

New Albany School District has made revisions to the 2022 Covid Protocols. New protocols were effective Wednesday, February 2. Protocols may be reviewed by going to

New Albany School District has made revisions to the 2022 Covid Protocols. New protocols were effective Wednesday, February 2. Protocols may be reviewed by going to