Through athletics, classes, and even extra curricular activities, students are able to show their individual talents in school. Lately, students have gotten the opportunity to show their talents in areas outside of school. We’ve had trips to places like Ole Miss, Northeast, and even Disney World. Art classes, journalism, and Digital Media got the chance to go to Ole Miss last week and tour their art department. The students were able to see first hand what an art major is all about. FCCLA, Future Career and Community Leaders of America, had their annual district meeting at Northeast Mississippi Community College last week. They were in charge of the entertainment for the day and represented our school well. FBLA, Future Business Leaders of America, went to Disney World this past week as well. They went behind the scenes of the park and were introduced to the business part that goes into making Disney the magical place that it is.  Our students are talented. They’re not only gifted in athletics and academics, but their creativity is what makes them unique. These clubs have given them a chance to express that creativity and they have definitely represented our school well.